"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. write down what you want most and see it often"
- Peter Vidamar
Reflection : I'm agree with the quote because sometimes we sacrifice important things just for moments and you have to look at you're future because what you choose now would have a concecuence in your future every choise you made , every thing that you do would have concecuences good ones or bad ones depend on what you choose .If you have a goal and you want to make it real you have to do the right thing and make good choises and don't sacrifice your goal for what you want now and what you want now i would become past so think of your future for example if you want be a doctor and have a career and big house you have to study for that but if you want to go out with your friends and you don't go to school you are not thinking of your future ,you are thinking of what you want in that moment if you make bad choises you would have a bad future, but also you can change your future going to school everyday ,do all your homework , pay atention in class fix your bad choises and do the right thing to be better and to complete your goals.
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